The Tears of an Employee Imprisoned by the Fear of an Employer

Bob Nelson once said, “Employee’s motivation is a direct result of the sum of interactions with his/her manager (employer)”.

An employee always goes through emotional traumas at a workplace where management only places organizational emphasis on making profit at the expense of their employee’s wellbeing – safety, happiness, etc.

I can say without the fear of contradictions that the aforementioned picture is vividly painted on the walls of the Flink Expansion 31 GmbH, Germany. As a rider for Flink for over one and a half years on a part time contract as a student, my safety was nearly overlooked always by management. From poor working gears (especially during the extreme weather conditions such as the snowy winter seasons) through poor communication feedbacks from management when employee sort for clarification/work assistance.

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Update: Corona: labour law, neighbourhood solidarity, other helpful informations

+++ Multilingual Informations you can find by the Refugee Council in Dresden +++

Will be updated continuously, last update: April 2, 1 pm

Contents: 1. labour law & Corona | 2. counselling and services of FAU Dresden during Corona | 3. overview of neighbourhood help in Dresden | 4. overview of help funds for employees & solo self-employed persons | 5. counselling numbers and help centres (including domestic violence)

Labour law and corona, sick out

On the website of the Federal FAU you will find current collections of regulations concerning labour law, law for self-employed persons and much more. At the moment, due to the dynamic situation, some things are still a little unsorted or doubled – this will certainly get better in the next few days. If questions remain unanswered, please feel free to ask us, we will look for an answer and take the questions with us.

From 9 March onwards, the following rule applies for 4 weeks: “Patients with slight diseases of the upper respiratory tract can get a certificate of incapacity to work for a maximum of seven days after consulting their doctor by telephone”. If you have to be in quarantine on a self-employed basis, you will be supported by the Infection Protection Act. Please ask us for details in your situation! Continue reading “Update: Corona: labour law, neighbourhood solidarity, other helpful informations”