Quick overview: collective wage agreement rounds, climate strike, fem*strike, reduction of working hours

There is quite a lot going on on the streets in the next few days! To keep the overview here again briefly the meeting points:

  • 3.3. climate strike demo at 1:30 pm at Neumarkt Dresden, meeting FAU members at the south end (near small Kirchgasse). Demo will again end on site.
  • 4.3. feminist demo to JVA-Chemnitz, departure bus/train Dresden Hbf, bus stop Strehlener Straße: 1:36 pm
  • 7.3. discussion about reduction of working hours to 4h, 7pm at Kaffee Konkurs
  • 8.3. ver.di demo: 11am at Postplatz, 11:30am König:innenufer FAU info stand, 4pm radical demo at the same place

On the current collective wage rounds: If a union in your company calls a strike and you are not assigned to emergency service, you are also allowed to strike, even if you do not belong to a union or belong to another union. As a general rule, FAU members receive strike pay in the current collective bargaining rounds; contact AG BeKo.